Scheduling and Running an IRI Voracity ETL Workflow [video] by Claudia Irvine This demonstration shows how to execute an existing workflow in IRI Voracity using the built-in job scheduler in its Eclipse GUI, IRI Workbench. The scheduler launches any jobs you’ve queued in the run configuration dialog one or more times. Performing a Left Outer Join Where All Matched Records Are Removed Demonstration [video] 3 Paths to Faster BI & Analytics [video] Related articles FieldShield PII Discovery ChartsTable Lookups in SortCL-Compatible IRI…An IRI Voracity Use Case…Using IRI Workbench with ASN.1-Encoded…Sample SortCL-Compatible ASN.1 JobsASN.1 Integration with SortCL (IRI…Introducing the ASN.1 Format and…Discovering Spreadsheet Metadata in IRI…XLS2DDF: IRI’s Spreadsheet Metadata Conversion…SortCL-Compatible Excel Data Processing ExamplesProcessing Data in, and for,…