RowGen Certification


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When you have attained a level of expertise in the use of IRI RowGen -- through either on-the-job experience or an authorized training course -- you have likely qualified for an official certification letter suitable for consulting engagements, job applications, and IT training centers. Following are various levels of certification you can obtain from IRI, and the USD cost of each certificate (which does not include training or validation).

RowGen I

RowGen II

RowGen I


  • None


Install, license, configure for command line use. Create flat-file metadata manually, with command line conversion utilities, and through the IRI Workbench metadata discovery wizard. Create a RowGen script to generate test data in both flat-file and summary report formats. Use random generation and random selection from set files in the same job. Create multiple targets in multiple formats in the same job. Articulate the uses of RowGen in the broader contexts of information security and development.


$75 USD

RowGen II


  • RowGen I


DB Test Data wizard in the IRI Workbench, including differential row counts and rule application. Modify target field attributes and create multiple targets using the target dialog, the target field layout editor, and the field editor. Create set files from columns using the wizard, and use the data in all pairs and join pair generation. Customize test fields with the compound data value wizard, and illustrate frequency value distributions in gnuplot. Explain how RowGen respects referential integrity and constraints, and can be used in: DB and ETL prototyping; outsourcing; and hardware/software benchmarking.


$100 USD

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