IRI Software Testimonials


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"We sought a reliable tool that would quickly sort and transform very large files. IRI CoSort met this criterion, brought merge and join capabilities, protected sensitive field data, and even generated reports. This rare - and rapid - combination of functionality in a one package made CoSort the clear winner in the data management tool market, and we see the Voracity platform built atop it in Eclipse as a much more cost-effective (and higher-performing) alternative to legacy ETL tools."

Sabre Holdings

"Fortune Magazine says our yield maximization system is private industry's most frequently updated database -- one of the world's largest! We chose CoSort to quarter the time batch reorgs and take our airline clients on their SMP systems. IRI responds rapidly and fairly to our technical and business needs."

Broward Community College

"Broward Community College is a member of the Florida Community College Software Consortium; we have jointly developed an ERP system that is supported on both the VSE and MVS platform.To expand the Consortium options for platform implementation to include Linux, solutions for utility packages, such as sort, were required. CoSort was the perfect fit; the product was able to interpret both VSE and MVS JCL with no modifications. We found the CoSort product a cost effective, high performance solution that met our requirements to replace our VSE Sort product. While the migration from VSE to Linux had many challenges, the CoSort solution prevented the sort utility from being one of those challenges."

Modern Systems (Phoenix Blue)

"We completed a complete migration of a large MVS/ADSO environment (CICS and BATCH) to a Sun Solaris/Oracle solution. The sorting requirements were very complex with a lot of totaling and speed requirements. We used CoSort and accomplished the mission successfully. The nature of the project required a lot of technical interaction and support from IRI. Its CoSort team was very responsive, very helpful, and very professional. In our experience, the CoSort solution provides the best value for performance, support, and cost of ownership."


"We are quite impressed with the performance of IRI FieldShield. We did some tests on flat files and MS-SQL Server. The application also works quite efficiently in terms of CPU and memory use. We are impressed by the large number of environments (databases) FieldShield supports. This expresses IRI's broad experience in DB technology and interfacing, and was confirmed while working with the product and browsing the documentation. We had a very good experience with installation and the support, too. You helped us out very well, expressed great knowledge about the subject and products, and we have no open issues. You also did a great job in providing some examples, which help us understand how things work without having to spend too much time searching through the documentation ;-)"


"The Comcast Data Engineering and Management Integration (DEMI) organization works with 10 terabytes of DAP (Directory Access Protocol) data on a daily basis as we work to distribute business critical information resources to the rest of the company. The fact is we would not be able to pull this off successfully without CoSort. It accurately and quickly processes billions of rows of DAP data and allows us to join and analyze this information in connection with our other data warehouse processes. No other tool gives us this much speed and flexibility and allows the processing of this volume of flat-file LDIF records. The very talented team at IRI worked directly with us to develop their module and was able to deliver it very quickly. In turn, they have developed a long-term customer relationship with America's largest Cable Operator and a large (50TB) and growing data warehouse."

LexisNexis (EDIWatch)

"EDIWatch has utilized the CoSort SortCL tool for several years, because of its single-pass efficiency in large file sorting, joining, and aggregation. This has enabled EDIWatch to improve both its processing times and data processing routines. IRI's development of field-level encryption can help us enhance our strong commitment to data security and HIPAA compliance, with minimal effort."


"IRI staff have been outstanding to work with, whether it's technical support, purchasing, product enhancements, or platform migrations. Your responsiveness and flexibility has been tremendous from day one. Not to mention the fact that your product is scalable based upon the needs of the client, not just the total size of the server (ie.- licensed by CPU and server model). You have always been there for us and flexible to our needs and situation. THANK YOU!"

Industry Canada

"We have used CoSort for years on both classified and unclassified projects to provide data and information to this and other government agencies. CoSort sorts reliably on all our Unix machines and cuts our data processing times way down."

Innovative Systems

"I installed the Java Runtime Engine and the CoSort GUI. It all worked without a hitch. It's a nice tool. I love the script preview feature. I had no trouble creating my jobs quickly. Good stuff!"


"Groupe Bull's integration concept worked because of products like CoSort. Our operations rely on such robust, commercial-grade products ... CoSort proves that Unix is a cost-effective alternative to the mainframe."


"Tenneco uses CoSort in a variety of applications to provide high speed sorting and reporting.It is the only Unix-based solution capable of meeting our unique field selection and layout requirements."

Web Decisions

"I downloaded the GUI and it works fine. This is a great add-on to your products. Being able to produce jobs on the fly and edit them with ease will help me a lot. This will give us much more flexibility building our reports."

HP Enterprise (Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange)

"בשם חטיבת TSC וצוות דליברי אני מצטרף לברכות ומודה לך על הסיוע והתרומה להצלחת הפרויקט. מכתב את חנן סטמפלר שיעביר את המסר לשאר המדינות לגבי איכות המוצר שאתה מייצג. כמו כן אשמח אם תוכל להעביר את איש הקשר של הנהלת CoSort כדי שבועז יעביר את המסר באנגלית למנהלי CoSort."

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