TIBCO Spotfire® is a data visualization tool popular among life science researchers and financial organizations who require simple-to-build dashboards. Spotfire features in-memory data processing and sophisticated predictive analytics. However, like most business intelligence tools, it is not designed for big data integration and pre-visualization processing.
The SortCL program in the IRI CoSort product or IRI Voracity platform is a fast, simple, and inexpensive way to prepare big data for Spotfire efficiently -- both in terms of job design and runtime performance. See this section to understand why.
When SortCL sorts, joins, and aggregates raw data sets in a single job and I/O pass ahead of Spotfire, time-to-visualizations like these is much faster:

In a benchmark with 20M records on an average PC, we prepared the same data results for the Spotfire visualization about four times faster than Spotfire could alone:
Blog > Business Intelligence > Faster Spotfire BI via CoSort