Faster COBOL Sorts and Reports


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COBOL Tools Data & File Migration Sorting & Reporting Data Masking & Testing

Accelerate Native Sort Calls


You already know that IRI CoSort is faster than your compiler's built-in sort function. Do you know how many methods in the CoSort package improve COBOL sort performance? See:

Sort replacement for ACUCOBOL-GT

Sort replacements for MF COBOL Enterprise Server, NetExpress, Server Express, and Workbench

Serial/concurrent system calls to SortCL

Static and dynamic API calls to CoSort

Generate Reports from COBOL Files


CoSort's Sort Control Language (SortCL) Program not only converts, transforms, and protects COBOL files and data types, it can produce custom detail, delta (change) and summary reports. SortCL has a wide range of built-in reporting and display functions similar to those in IBM's COBOL Report Writer and ICETOOL.

SortCL uses a simpler 4GL to define data sources, manipulations, and target layouts. See:

Solutions > Business Intelligence > Reporting Functions

Products > CoSort > SortCL Metadata

For those with a sophisticated business intelligence platform, like Cognos or Business Objects, CoSort's SortCL tool is commonly used to prepare (or "franchise") big data for them. SortCL filters, converts, sorts, joins, aggregates, and reformats COBOL files into smaller CSV or XML subsets (or "feeds") that the BI tools can handle. This removes the overhead of "big data" transformation from the BI layer, and the data and coding redundancy that goes with it. See:

Solutions > Business Intelligence > BI Tool Acceleration

Blog > Business Intelligence > Data Franchising

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